Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Procedure Update

The second chemo embolization procedure seems to have been a success, so much so that I won't have to go through the third procedure as suggested by the radiologist.  For that I'm very grateful, because the procedures aren't too much fun.  The second one went a lot better than the first...I was SO much more alert immediately after and during my hospital stay.  I DID have a lot of stomach pains immediately after and it took a while for the pain meds to kick in and make me comfortable.  Dr. Lee suggested that the naproxin I took after the first procedure could have possibly thickened the wall of my stomach and caused the pain. I also had several instances of throwing up, which I didn't have the first time, and was certainly glad when that finally came to an end.

I came home from the hospital on Saturday (February 27), and the recovery has been very slow.  In spite of the fact that I was so much more alert after the procedure, recovery has not been any more rapid.  Taking a shower still wears me out as do putting on make-up and doing my hair.  I plan to go back to school the Monday after spring break, and am saying my prayers that I'll be able to handle it.  Danny and I had our Friday night date night at Alfredo's this past Friday, and it was a major accomplishment.  The next night we went to Hunan Garden, which was also a major accomplishment and didn't have the same effect as the last time we ate there.

I went to see Dr. Chohan last week, and she said she's going to give me six weeks to mend and then we'll talk about debulking the tumor in my mesentery and removing my left ovary.  Danny and I are lost now...we would really like to have the tumor removed (we understand it's in a tricky location, but shouldn't there be some kind of radiation to zap it??) because if it stays, it will just continue to grow and metastisize.

That's about all that's new for now.  Jessica turned 21 on March 13 and is in Dallas this week with a group from UCO doing things at Ronald McDonald House and the Gilda house.  The first day they were there, Jess had to drive the van because their adviser was sick and couldn't go.  It fell on Jess because she works for the university and is 21.  Who'da thought?


  1. Glad you are up to bloggin'! Praise God you don't have to have a 3rd treatment! Date night sounds great...can't wait till I get those back! See ya Monday...missing ya around there!

  2. Hope you have a GREAT EASTER! Just thinking of you! Hope you are doing better! Kathy Morris
