Sunday, April 18, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers

I'm probably the only person on earth who is loving all the gentle rain we've had since Friday!  It's refreshing and relaxing and cleansing. 

Friday, April 16 was my four-month milestone.  It also marked one week back at school, half-days.  That went well, and I have gained strength everyday, so I'm shooting for all day this week.  I am hopeful that I can make it.  It's just as tiring to work half-days and have to get things ready for the last two classes as it is to stay all day, I think.

Today I'm doing a 24-hour urine collection to check for carcinoid markers.  Hopefully, the count has gone down since the two chemo emobilization treatments.  My next step is to have my tumor debulked (reduced) and I'm still in search of a surgeon.  I contacted the Integris Cancer Institute this past week and if the person I spoke with communicated with her co-workers correctly, I am a candidate for their organization.  Of course, the person who schedules appointments was not available, so I'll call back Monday morning.  I'm not going to get my hopes up, but if in fact they do treat carcinoid patients, perhaps they have a surgeon who has operated on a mezentery before.  Danny read online that a debulking surgery can take as long as 12 hours and it's followed by chemo (yuck!).  Needless to say, I want someone who knows what he/she is doing if I'm going to be in surgery for up to 12 hours!

On a side note, I've battled with trying to grow a clematis for the past four or five years.  Danny sprayed my first plant (which didn't do too well its first year) with Round-up, and the replacement was slow to take off.  Last year it had one blossom before the sun took its toll.  This past week I strolled through my backyard, and lo and behold -- the clematis had grown to the top of its trellis and was loaded with buds!!  I checked it today and it has five or six blossoms!!  I'm taking it as a sign from God, and am very thankful.

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