Sunday, October 24, 2010


I went to Mercy today (yes, on Sunday) for my first ever MRI.  I thought I was going to be able to relax and snooze, but since the MRI was of my liver, I had to be an active participant.  And I had to have an IV.  It took about an hour, and was definitely as loud as I had been told, but I had on earphones so the tech could communicate with me when I needed to hold my breath, so that cut down on the noise a little bit.  I didn't feel too claustrophobic because I was sent into the machine, and it didn't come down to meet my face.  The noises were really weird...they almost had a beat to them, so I entertained myself figuring out what songs the beats resembled. 

I'm so glad they offer the service on the weekend, and grateful I didn't have to miss school.  The purpose of the MRI was to get a baseline, and I get to go through it again in 6 months.  I should start glowing in the dark really soon...

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