Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If it Weren't for Murphy's Law...

The testing continues as I prepare for my follow-up visit to New Orleans next month...

I did a 24-hour urine collection Sunday into Monday, for a test which is called a "5H1AA", a serotonin byproduct produced by the carcinoid.  Hopefully it will be as low as it was the last time I had it done...the results were in the normal range.  Yesterday I made the trek to the OU Medical Center to deliver my speciman, and when I got home, there was a message from someone at the lab.  Of course when I returned the call, I was sent to voicemail, but the gal DID call me back at school today to let me know they needed me to come back and give 2 more vials of blood.  It seems that on the first of the month when I initially went and had to wait so long, the vampires were not familiar with all the tests that had been requested and didn't even have the correct vials in which to collect my blood.  Needless to say, it would have been nice to have known this bit of info yesterday, and it would have been even nicer had they had something in my file that would have caught the receptionist's eye so I could have had it done while I was there.  But no...I have another trip to make to downtown or midtown OKC this week!

On another note, I'm still calling the "procedure scheduler" to find out if Dr. Qubaiah is going to order the MIBG I test that he insisted I do not need.  I keep getting the run around, and in anticipation of that happening yet again, I wrote Dr. Qubaiah a blunt and to the point letter last night which I mailed after school today.  I let him know that I was a passive patient for 5 years while being told I had irritible bowel syndrome and "nerves" because school was getting ready to start.  I sent him a copy of the results of a scan which had been done in December, 2009, which stated an irregularity on my kidneys and spleen.  I told him that I am no longer going to be a passive patient and that I would appreciate him ordering the scan.  When my gynocologist gave me the carcinoid/carcinoid syndrome news on December 16 with absolutely no compassion, it was the worst day of my life.  I prefer to not have any more surprises like that!

Please remember me in your prayers as I climb this mountain!

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