Sunday, September 5, 2010

My New Oncologist!

August 2 I met my new oncologist, Dr. Qubaiah, at OU Medical Center.  After having read the highway signs incorrectly (and heading south on I-35 instead of north on 235), I made it to the appointment in one piece.  I was impressed with the facility (except they charge for parking), and I was promptly escorted to the exam room at 8:00 a.m. (my appointment time).  I first met with Dr. Qubaiah's PA, which was an inconvenience since the same questions she asked, he asked later.  I should be accustomed to that by now, especially at a teaching facility, but I find it very tedious.

Once Dr. Qubaiah came in, everything went well until I handed him a list of blood work and scans Dr. Boudreaux requested I have done (at specific times during the month of September) before my return to New Orleans in October.  All the procedures are typical for carcinoid patients, and I've had them all done with the exception of an MIBG I-123 scan, which is a whole body image.  Dr. Qubaiah literally put on his brakes and said he didn't agree with that request and because I have carcinoid, there's no reason for me to have that scan.  Of course, I couldn't remember the reason Dr. Boudreaux gave me for having the scan, but it made perfect sense when he explained it this past July.  Finally Dr. Qubaiah cooled down and told his PA to contact Dr. Boudreaux to determine the reason he wanted the scan. 

He seemed to take issue with the fact that certain procedures were to be done at certain times during September.  He explained that (with the exception of the MIBG I) he would have ordered the same tests and scans, but he would have ordered them sooner.  I held firm and let him know I wanted to follow Dr. Boudreaux' orders.  He finally backed down and wrote up the orders for the blood work for the first part of September.

I have an appointment with him on September 27 at 8:00 a.m. (another mark against him...he's only in the office on Monday mornings) to discuss the results of the procedures.  Hopefully that appointment will go a little smoother.  Were he a carcinoid expert, I would allow him a big ego, but according to what the office staff told me, he doesn't have very many carcinoid patients.  As far as I'm concerned, New Orleans is calling the shots with my health, and I'm not even sure why I need an oncologist here, but Dr. Boudreaux told me I do, so I will.

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