Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Fifth Step, from Zero to Hero

The fifth step of my journey focused heavily on trying to solve the mystery of my missing printer power cord.  Over Christmas break, someone "borrowed" it, and no one seems to care.  I called Staples to see if perhaps they carried them, which they do not, nor are they able to order them.  The person I spoke with graciously gave me the 800 number for HP, which I promptly called so I could hopefully get up and running again in the near future.  My first attempt led me in a "punch 1 for this and 2 for that" cycle where I somehow wound up back at the main menu.  I slammed the phone down and attempted to find a cord on the HP website.  There was only one that came up in my search, and its description didn't convince me it would work on my printer. 

Back to square one, I attempted the 800 number again and hit pay dirt!!  I actually made it to a human voice!!  Trouble was, I could hardly understand what the man was saying, if you get my drift.  I finally determined that the cost of the cord ($35) plus their standard shipping fee ($18) totalled over half what I paid for the printer to begin with (that explains why someone borrowed my cord) and when I complained to the customer service rep, he "generously" offered me a 15% discount ($5 reduction) which still made the cord cost half what I paid for the printer!!  I never realized that the expense of a printer was in the cord and not the actual printer...interesting.

Apparently there are no provisions for all the losses many of us have experienced this year from someone permanently "borrowing" items from our rooms, and we are simply out of luck.  Frustrating.  However, the hero in this story is at Staples.  I had some things to pick up after school, and explained my dilema to a very nice guy who went above and beyond in the helpful area.  He asked me to wait a few moments while he went to the back to check on something.  When he came back, he was carrying a cord that looks like it has the same configuration as my printer and the cost was much more reasonable.  I don't know if it will fit, but whether it does or not, he cared and he took the extra step to help me, and I am very impressed with his integrity.  He didn't have to help...he could have blown me off...but he not only helped but went above and beyond.  Now that's state of the art!!

Happy Trails!

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